Questions about Rotary Literacy Advocates

What is a Rotary Literacy Advocate?

Rotary Literacy Advocates are the key partner organizations that deliver free Life Skills Books and free access to the Learning Adventure Island streaming website to underserved and economically disadvantaged families.

With a commitment to serve the needs of partner Rotary Literacy Advocates, Smart Kidz Media will be a steadfast and reliable provider of vital literacy resources that Rotary Literacy Advocates depend on to service the needs of families in their communities.

How do I become a Rotary Literacy Advocate?

Any qualified Rotary International Club or member organization will be welcomed to sign up as a Rotary Literacy Advocate. Simply register and open an account on the Smart Kidz Media website.

What are the benefits of becoming a Rotary Literacy Advocate?

A Rotary Literacy Advocate has these benefits:

• Each Rotary Literacy Advocate is given a proprietary Learning Adventure Island streaming website that delivers the Smart Kidz Learning Library content to the families they serve. This exclusive website gives each sponsoring Rotary Literacy Advocate a unique name and number. Families that register their children on the Learning Adventure Island website will need this name and number to log-in to access the website. This enables the sponsoring Rotary Literacy Advocate to track the usage activity and literacy progress of the children enrolled in the program. Advocates can also recommend specific learning programs to families on their streaming website.

• Access to the Smart Kidz Life Skills Library Bookstore website. This bookstore website is proprietary and available only to Rotary Literacy Advocates–it is not open to the public. Here, member Advocates can order age-graded, Life Skills Books directly from Smart Kidz Media approved Print on Demand (POD) vendors at a special cost +plus discount.

• The heart of a Rotary Literacy Advocate’s commitment to promote literacy is to offer families free access to the Learning Adventure Island streaming website and free Life Skills Books. To advance this commitment, each Life Skills Book has a Learning Adventure Island Membership Card attached that can be given to the children and family members that Rotary Literacy Advocates serve.

• The “Sponsor a Classroom” fundraising program: Advocates can widen their volunteer base, increase fundraising exposure, and increase donations by implementing the “Sponsor a Classroom” fundraising program (see next FAQ below).

• The Learning Adventure Island features a “hassle free,” entertaining, digital media streaming 24/7 website that inspires children to read more and learn more about the world in which they live.

Advocates gain more credibility and support from their volunteers, donors and sponsors by offering resources that encourage parents to be more involved in their children’s education and to build a supportive Smart Kidz Life Skills Library in the home.

• Receive newsletters, email updates, and announcements of new literacy products and programs.

What does it cost to become a Rotary Literacy Advocate?

The cost for a continuing Rotary Literacy Advocate membership is $500/year.

Why does Smart Kidz Media charge Rotary Literacy Advocates a yearly membership fee?

There are basic overhead expenses that Smart Kidz Media incurs to service and maintain the Smart Kidz Life Skills Library Bookstore and the Learning Adventure Island streaming website. These expenses are partially covered by grants, gifts, and corporate sponsors.

Smart Kidz Media also incurs overhead expenses to cover the cost of maintaining a Rotary Literacy Advocates’ proprietary Learning Adventure Island streaming website.

How does the Rotary Literacy Advocate “Sponsor a Classroom” fundraising program work?

As part of the Rotary Literacy Advocate’s program to increase member support, an Advocate can recruit other non-members to financially support a child’s literacy education through the “Sponsor a Classroom” Program. A donor can sponsor a classroom by donating $5/month or $60/year (or any amount the Advocate member chooses). This monthly donation enables the Advocate member to gift a new Life Skills Book (with the attached Learning Adventure Island Membership Card) to a family each month.

A key element of the Sponsor a Classroom program is the Rotary Literacy Advocate’s commitment to administer, consult with, and monitor the activity of the sponsored family.

Learning Adventure Island Memberships Cards

What are the Learning Adventure Island Membership Cards about?

Rotary Literacy Advocates will gift the families they serve a free Life Skills Book. Attached to each Life Skills Book is a Learning Adventure Island Membership Card. This card gives families free access to the Advocate’s proprietary Learning Adventure Island streaming website (and maintained by Smart Kidz Media).

Can a Rotary Literacy Advocate track the activity of a family’s use of the Learning Adventure Island streaming website?

Each membership card will have a fill-in line that allows the sponsoring Rotary Literacy Advocate to print in its unique name and member number. Families that register their children on the Learning Adventure Island website will need this unique name and number to log-in to access the website. This enables the sponsoring Rotary Literacy Advocate to track the usage activity and literacy progress of the children in the family. Advocates can also recommend specific learning programs to families on the streaming website.

Creating a Rotary Literacy Advocate Account

How do I open an account?

Signing up to open an account and become a Rotary Literacy Advocate is easy…just follow these simple steps:

Step#1: Create an Account

Once you click on the Sign-Up button on the Smart Kidz Media website, a Rotary Literacy Advocate Membership Account form will appear on your screen. Simply fill in the following information:

• A username and password for your account (you create this)

• Your Rotary International registration name or number

• Your email address

• Your credit card billing information

Step#2: Click on the “Submit and check out” button, and you’ll immediately be transferred to your personal Rotary Literacy Advocate Membership Account Page. You’ll now have full access to your organization’s Learning Adventure Island streaming website. You will also have the ability to customize the website to service your community’s needs.

How do I log-in to my personal account page once I become a member?

Once your account is opened, you can log in at any time by going to the Smart Kidz Media website’s Home Page and clicking on the log-in button.

When you log-in, you will be transferred to your personal home and administration page. From your personal home page, you can access the content on both the Smart Kidz Life Skills Bookstore and/or the Learning Adventure Island streaming website at any time.

Do Rotary Literacy Advocates have to have an exclusive relationship with Smart Kidz Media?

Many Rotary Clubs that become Rotary Literacy Advocates have established fundraising and volunteer programs in place. Becoming an Advocate is not meant to replace the Rotary Literacy Advocates’ existing fundraising programs but to supplement them. Rotary Literacy Advocates can attract more volunteers, increase their member base and service more children and families in their community by promoting the Learning Adventure Island streaming website and offering Life Skills Books and other literacy resources.

Questions about the Learning Adventure Island Streaming Website

What is the Learning Adventure Island streaming website all about?

Children today are Internet savvy and spend many hours each day on their devices. To compete with this trend, literacy advocates need to attract children by providing entertaining media that promotes reading from an on-demand, streaming website, 24/7 as well.

The Learning Adventure Island streaming website is the only one of its kind on the Internet. This unique website is composed of hundreds proprietary digital media programs—including multimedia e-books, educational videos, audiobook stories, entertaining podcasts, kid’s radio programs, interactive educational games, flip cards, and other educational media.

It is well known that children are more motivated to read when they are enjoying themselves. This is what the Learning Adventure Island streaming website is all about—encouraging children to read, to explore, and learn new life skills concepts while having fun!

What does it cost a family or child to become a Learning Adventure Island member?

Participating families pay no membership fees for access to the Learning Adventure Island streaming website. Access to the content is free—and always will be free to those families that are served by an Affiliate Literacy Advocate.

How does a family or child access the content on the Learning Adventure Island streaming website?

Families with children (age birth to 8) must be sponsored by a Rotary Literacy Advocate. An Advocate gifts the families they serve an Adventure Learning Island Membership Card–which gives family members free access to the on-demand, streaming website.

The Rotary Literacy Advocate also gives families’ free Life Skills Books, consultation, and support. These resources gives Rotary Literacy Advocates the opportunity help parents establish educational goals, create a home reading environment, and show them how to effectively use the digital media content on the Learning Adventure Island streaming website to achieve those goals.

How do families use the Learning Adventure Island Membership Card?

Rotary Literacy Advocates gift to the families they serve, Life Skills Books and a Learning Adventure Island Membership Card. The membership cards, attached to the free Life Skills Books, are given to families with children (age birth to 8), as a free gift from a the Advocate member…and this membership card gives families free access to the Learning Adventure Island streaming website.

The parent, with assistance from the Rotary Literacy Advocate, will go to the Learning Adventure Island website and register by entering in the sponsor’s registration number, a user name, an email account, and a private password. Once the account is activated, a child can access the digital media content at any time and on any device by going to the Learning Adventure Island website and logging-in.

What devices can families use to stream content from the Learning Adventure Island website?

Using breakthrough streaming technology, content on the Learning Adventure Island streaming website can be played on all popular multimedia devices including televisions, desktop/laptop computers, tablets, smart phones, and most mobile devices.

How are the costs of servicing and maintaining the Learning Adventure Island website covered?

There are basic overhead expenses incurred by Smart Kidz Media to maintain the Learning Adventure Island streaming website. These expenses are partially covered by grants, gifts, corporate sponsors and by Rotary Literacy Advocates yearly membership fees.

Can someone access the Learning Adventure Island website from any other online source like Amazon, the Apple App Store, or Google Play?

No. All of the content on the Learning Adventure Island website is exclusive to Rotary Literacy Advocates.

Why do you “stream” your digital media rather than having the Rotary Literacy Advocates download it?

“Downloading” digital media to a user’s device is outdated technology. Downloading high definition or broadcast quality Mp4 and Mp3 videos, multimedia e-books or musical programs sometimes takes hours to complete before the user can begin using the media. Also, downloaded files can only be used on certain devices.

Questions about the Smart Kidz Life Skills Library

What is the Smart Kidz Life Skills Library all about?

Books are at the heart of the Smart Kidz Life Skills Library. This unique library introduces children to Life Skills Books—books that will help them learn and acquire personal skills, social skills, and coping skills–such as communication skills, thinking skills, and problem-solving skills.

The Smart Kidz Life Skills Library’s age-graded life skills books give parents tools to create a home environment where children can learn new living skills while sharpening their reading skills more naturally and confidently. With the Smart Kidz Life Skills Library in the home, parents can feel confident that they are giving their child the best possible start in life!

How do Rotary Literacy Advocates order book titles featured in the Smart Kidz Life Skills Library Bookstore?

The book titles featured in the Smart Kidz Life Skills Library Bookstore are exclusive to Rotary Literacy Advocates. Life Skills Books are not available to third parties—including internet providers (e.g. Amazon), retail stores, schools and libraries.

Rotary Literacy Advocates can order book titles by clicking on the “Order Now” button appearing in the age-graded Life Skills Book section of the Smart Kidz website. By clicking on this icon, you will then be transferred to the Life Skills Bookstore catalog section on the website that lists all the titles available in the age-graded category.

Easy ordering: Click on the titles that you want to order and they will be placed in your shopping cart.

What is the cost of Life Skills Books listed in the Life Skills Bookstore catalog?

Each title listed in the Smart Kidz Life Skills Bookstore are bundled in packs of 25 books. Each Life Skills Book also contains a free Learning Adventure Island Membership Card. The price of the 25 pack bundle is based on a special cost + shipping. Publish on Demand (POD) books provided by our printers are based on the printing and paper costs at the time of the purchase order–usually around $3/book.

Once you have selected your Life Skills Book titles and placed them in the shopping cart, you can check out by filling out the order form and submitting it to Smart Kidz Media.

How do families acquire free life skills books?

Rotary Literacy Advocates are exclusive providers of the Life Skills Books in the Smart Kidz Library Bookstore. While there are no eligibility requirements for parents to receive these free life skills books, they must first be sponsored by an Rotary Literacy Advocate. Advocates are the only organizations that have the right to purchase the proprietary Life Skills Books at a special discount and to administer the Smart Kidz programs in the home.